Mission bring its 40 years of audio expertise to this all new speaker range. The QX series has a striking look and impressive performance – offering amazing value for both Hi-Fi and AV setup. Advanced new designs and extensive listening tests have evolved loudspeakers that offer exciting and dramatic performance, no matter what style of music and movies you prefer. Five core Hi-Fi models – two bookshelf designs and three floorstanding speakers – are joined in this Mission QX Series by a dedicated centre speaker, with a 2-way, wide-distribution surround speakers and an active subwoofer
Ribbon-like slot port design
The new slot port design features ribs to enhance the airflow and avoid the ‘chuffing’ which so often heard from bassreflex ports. The result is enhanced low frequency performance with lower distortion.
Arc shaped cabinet corners
The semi-circular arc shape of the cabinet corners smooths diffraction from the drive units, yielding better power distribution into the room.
The inclusion of aluminium top and bottom plates to the cabinet not only gives an attractive, high-tech appearance to the speakers but also enhances sound quality.
The added mass and stiffness reduces resonance from the cabinet walls, lowering colouration and distortion.
Floorstanding speakers use the extension of the bottom plate to improve stability with carpet piercing spikes.
Mission QX series utilizes Mission’s classic IDG (Inverted Driver Geometry) driver format. By positioning the treble unit below the bass/midrange driver, the length of path is equalized so the sound waves coincide at the listener’s head height. This principle improves ‘time alignment’ and thus transient performance.
New ‘ring dome’ treble unit
Offers high levels of musical detail with low distortion – the usual dome cavitation effects are completely avoided.
Dual ring radiator
Mission’s exclusive ring dome utilizes a woven, textile material formed in a double ring arrangement. The combination of textile dome and multi-ring surround applies optimum stiffness to the maximum radiating area.
Twin rear cavity non-reflecting design
Back pressure from the diaphragm is vented to a twin rear cavity, reducing the resonance and maintaining a wide operating bandwidth.
Bass drivers feature Mission DiaDrive system:
Natural midrange quality with superb bass transient impact is provided by a seam-free curvilinear cone formulated from a mixture of soft pulp and acrylic fiber specially designed for midrange clarity and lucidity.
DiaDrive twin cone design:
Backing the curvilinear front cone is a stiff, conical support with increased area of contact with the voice coil for outstanding transient impact.
“comb-tooth trim”:
The surround drive unit and fixing screws are cleverly concealed behind this unique trim design giving a highly technical look to the front face of the speaker.
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